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Webinar: Introducing PROCENTEC Atlas
Join Grid Connect for a 1-hour webinar introducing the PROCENTEC Atlas.
The Atlas is an innovative unique product that provides 24/7 monitoring of Industrial Ethernet networks, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, and Modbus TCP networks.

How Time-Sensitive Networking Enables IIoT
The world’s first time-sensitive networking (TSN) testbed is being developed in a collaborative effort to change network infrastructure so that it will enhance the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). As this develops, it is essential that Industry 4.0. Machine designers, builders, and users have reliable and secure access to smart edge devices. This will force the current, standard network technologies to transform in an effort to meet the requirements of the next generation of industrial systems.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Tool Demonstration
his is a brief tutorial on how to operate the Procentec PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Toolkit Ultra Plus. For this tutorial, the PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Toolkit Ultra Plus is used. The PROFIBUS Training Kit will also be utilized; this is used for our troubleshooting and maintenance training using the ProfiTrace tools. In the PROFIBUS Training Kit, there is a PLC in the bottom of the case as well as five devices in the inner lid of the case. The last thing we will use is a Windows PC that is running ProfiTrace software.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Bar Graph
The next thing we will take a look at is the “Bar graph” tab, which is directly to the right of the ScopeWare one. The bar graph is measuring the amplitude of the signal coming from each device. On the graph, there is the signal and address on the far left in which the ProfiCore Ultra is connected to in order for it to be the strongest. Devices further away have a little bit less strength in signal.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Tool Demo: Messages
Another thing that can be done with ProfiTrace is to look at the messages that are being sent on the bus. To access these messages, click on the “Messages” tab that is above the matrix. This will be in line with the live list and statistic tabs that we have previously used.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Checking Device Stats
When looking at the live list on the main screen, the user is able to see real time updates of what is going on. If the user had just walked up to the instillation and saw that all of the devices are green, they would assume that there is nothing wrong with the instillation. In reality, they would be seeing a real time representation of what is going on right now.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Accessing GSD Files
The next important thing to cover is the fact that there is a place where the GSD files are saved. In the “Settings” menu at the top of the screen, go to “Preferences.” At the bottom of the “General” tab in preferences, there is a section labeled “GSD directory locations.”

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: ProfiTrace Software
For now, stay on the main ProfiTrace page that is included in every kit that Grid Connect sells. To begin, click on the button that says “Init ProfiCore Ultra.” It will begin to initialize the ProfiCore Ultra, essentially it is checking the firmware that is loaded in the Ultra to make sure it is the latest firmware. Then it will begin to check the baudrate of the instillation. Once this is complete, there will be five boxes within the main matrix (grid) on the screen.
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