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How Big Data Affects Networks in the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been talked about as an industry dealing in data, because of the massive amount of information produced by sensor technology. In fact, harvesting data from connected devices has become one of the key excitements concerning IoT technology, as it allows for the drastic advance in the analytics of failure, evaluation, implementation and efficiency.

Wireless Connectivity: 900MHz, Wi-Fi, and BLE

Deciding which type of wireless connection to implement in a device can be a cumbersome task. Each solutions allows for communication without sorting through an abundance of wires. The 900MHz, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless communication tools can be used to resolve limitations in budget as well as situations where wire placement is troublesome.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Checking Device Stats

When looking at the live list on the main screen, the user is able to see real time updates of what is going on. If the user had just walked up to the instillation and saw that all of the devices are green, they would assume that there is nothing wrong with the instillation. In reality, they would be seeing a real time representation of what is going on right now.

The Changing Nature of Human Life and the Internet of Things

The way consumers interact with the objects in their lives is changing at a pace that once seemed impossible. Connectivity that was recently unimaginable will soon be the standard for all technological devices. The Internet of Things (IoT) goes far beyond industrial applications; consumers will be able to receive updates and information about nearly every aspect of their lives with wirelessly connected smart devices. The push for IoT technology is a push for control. Users will have control over their homes, cars, and even their own bodies through wearables. Even though it may seem intimidating to have technology take such an invasive role in consumer life, the benefits created by connectivity outweigh the perceived intrusive nature of smart devices.

Managing Big Data: Moving analysis back to the edge

The Internet of Things (IoT) and its wide range of devices are growing at an unfathomable rate. With an increase in size, comes an increase in the collection of massive amounts of data. In this article written by Grid Connect’s Vice President, Adam Justice, he stated, “The IoT relies on data — and massive amounts of it — to fuel connected devices and give us drastic advances in monitoring and automating our environments.”

Grid Connect is One of the Coolest Companies in Chicago

This year, Chicago Inno is hosting their second annual, Coolest Companies Competition. This is essentially a fun challenge between different local companies to highlight the best company cultures in the Chicagoland area. An assortment of companies submitted information about what makes their company cool; Chicago Inno then selected the best companies to be nominees for the award.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Accessing GSD Files

The next important thing to cover is the fact that there is a place where the GSD files are saved. In the “Settings” menu at the top of the screen, go to “Preferences.” At the bottom of the “General” tab in preferences, there is a section labeled “GSD directory locations.”

Crowdfunding and the Internet of Things

Crowdfunding has become a major source of interest ever since the launch of Kickstarter in 2009. The concept is that businesses and individuals should be able to showcase their ideas in a social media-like fashion, and raise money through donations. Many of these campaigns offer rewards for donations, usually including sales, or early bird specials on the product they are hoping to release.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: ProfiTrace Software

For now, stay on the main ProfiTrace page that is included in every kit that Grid Connect sells. To begin, click on the button that says “Init ProfiCore Ultra.” It will begin to initialize the ProfiCore Ultra, essentially it is checking the firmware that is loaded in the Ultra to make sure it is the latest firmware. Then it will begin to check the baudrate of the instillation. Once this is complete, there will be five boxes within the main matrix (grid) on the screen.

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